
  • Hospitals and healthcare providers with internet systems
  • Concerned about the security of their digital infrastructure
  • Vulnerable to ransomware attacks and other cyber threats
  • Interested in proactive measures to prevent and mitigate security breaches

Interests and Needs:

  • Robust cybersecurity solutions for protecting their digital assets
  • Measures to prevent ransomware attacks and data breaches
  • Secure file sharing and communication platforms
  • Compliance with healthcare industry regulations (e.g., HIPAA)
  • Expert guidance and support in enhancing their digital security posture


  • Proven experience in healthcare cybersecurity
  • Innovative solutions tailored to the healthcare industry
  • Comprehensive threat monitoring and incident response capabilities
  • Encryption and secure communication tools
  • Collaboration with trusted partners and vendors


At INTERNET GEOPARDY, we understand the critical importance of keeping your hospital’s digital infrastructure secure and resilient. With the increasing threat of ransomware attacks targeting healthcare providers, we offer cutting-edge solutions to help you prevent these malicious incidents and avoid costly shutdowns.

Our expert team, armed with extensive knowledge and experience in healthcare cybersecurity, works closely with hospitals like yours to implement robust defense strategies. We employ advanced technologies and proactive measures to safeguard your sensitive patient data, critical systems, and day-to-day operations.

Through our comprehensive approach, we:

  1. Assess Vulnerabilities: We conduct thorough assessments of your existing security measures, identifying potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities that could make your hospital a target for ransomware attacks.
  2. Design Tailored Solutions: Drawing upon our deep understanding of the healthcare industry’s unique requirements, we design customized security solutions to address your specific needs. Our strategies include robust firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and state-of-the-art encryption techniques.
  3. Implement Preventive Measures: We deploy advanced threat monitoring tools that continuously scan your network for suspicious activities, ensuring timely detection and prevention of ransomware threats. Our proactive measures are designed to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.
  4. Train and Educate Staff: We believe that a well-informed and vigilant workforce is your first line of defense. Our cybersecurity experts provide comprehensive training to your staff, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to recognize and mitigate potential risks.
  5. Incident Response and Recovery: In the unfortunate event of a ransomware attack, our rapid incident response team swiftly initiates containment measures and works tirelessly to restore your systems and data. We minimize downtime, helping you get back on track as quickly as possible.

By partnering with INTERNET GEOPARDY, you gain a trusted ally committed to securing your hospital’s digital assets. We prioritize your patient data privacy, operational continuity, and regulatory compliance, enabling you to focus on what matters most—delivering exceptional healthcare services without the fear of disruptive ransomware attacks.

Don’t let ransomware hold your hospital hostage. Take proactive steps today to protect your organization’s future. Reach out to us at INTERNET GEOPARDY, and together, we’ll fortify your digital infrastructure against evolving cyber threats.

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Internet Geopardy, LLC is a technology company.

Who Are We?

At INTERNET GEOPARDY, we are a diverse team of experts – mathematicians, software engineers, data scientists, and digital marketing strategists. We excel in navigating the complexities of the digital world, harnessing the power of advanced technology to meet today’s digital challenges. Our core mission revolves around enhancing digital security, combating cyber threats, and promoting a stable and secure internet environment.

Our expertise doesn’t stop there. We are pioneers in integrating cutting-edge digital marketing with our deep knowledge in software development, data analytics, and engineering. Our strategies leverage the strengths of SEO, geospatial intelligence, and IoT integration to craft innovative marketing solutions. This unique blend enables us to optimize supply chain processes, ensuring that your message not only reaches but resonates with the right audience, exactly when and where it matters most.

Our brand is a testament to our commitment to innovation, embodying the synergy between technology and marketing. At INTERNET GEOPARDY, we deliver comprehensive solutions that safeguard your digital presence while driving impactful, measurable marketing results.


Our mission at INTERNET GEOPARDY is to drive transformative growth for businesses, forging strong brand connections, and delivering exceptional outcomes in the digital space. We specialize in a multidisciplinary approach that unites targeted digital marketing with the precision of technological innovation.

Utilizing the prowess of SEO, coupled with the insights provided by geospatial data analysis, we position your brand for maximum visibility and engagement. Our approach goes beyond traditional marketing; we leverage IoT technology to create bespoke, interactive consumer experiences. From smart homes to wearables, we ensure your brand is part of the evolving digital narrative.

Our expertise in data science and analytics empowers us to identify and target specific market segments with unprecedented accuracy. We use this insight to tailor your marketing campaigns, ensuring maximum relevance and impact. Our commitment to geospatial intelligence allows us to understand and exploit market dynamics, providing localized and contextually relevant marketing strategies.

Moreover, our solutions encompass the optimization of supply chain efficiency. By refining these processes, we not only enhance the effectiveness of marketing campaigns but also contribute to operational cost savings and improved customer experiences. Our last-mile marketing strategies are designed to ensure prompt and efficient delivery, elevating the end-user experience.

At INTERNET GEOPARDY, we invite you to experience the power of integrated digital marketing and technological expertise. Join us in reshaping your digital strategy, seizing new opportunities, and achieving unparalleled success in the digital era.


Here's me at Google in 2015: Women Techmakers
©@marykslong Mary Long at Google Women TechMakers, California - Mountain View, at the 2015 #GoogleWTM Ambassadors Event.
My dog.